Let Us Mystery Shop Your Properties

Mystery shopping is a powerful tool to evaluate and enhance your leasing process. We'll pose as prospective renters, calling a sample of your properties to measure their responsiveness and identify  opportunities for improvement.

Next Steps
Over 1–2 weeks, our team will call a sample of your properties to assess their responsiveness and operational effectiveness.
At the end of this process, you’ll receive a report detailing our findings, along with actionable recommendations to optimize your leasing process.
State of the leasing office
How Do You Compare?

We conducted over 10,000 calls to leasing offices across the U.S. to evaluate the typical first impression an average renter might have.

Of Calls Missed on Average
Callback Rate
In Lost Revenue Annually
EliseAI's State of the Leasing Office

In this report, we detail the methodology behind our extensive mystery shopping experiment, which involved making thousands of calls to leasing offices across the U.S. to evaluate customer interactions.